The Path of Jnana Yoga through Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

Deep dive in to Ageless Wisdom

The Path of Jnana Yoga through Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga, in the book “The Existence of God is Self-Evident” defines Jnana Yoga as the Yoga of Knowledge & Understanding. In this spiritual treatise, he introduces Jnana Yoga as being the easiest path for achieving Illumination/Union for those who are mentally developed. In this article we will explore Jnana Yoga, a path which is well suited for our modern times as used in the systems of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga.

Jnana means knowledge in Sanskrit.

Knowledge is formed using Information/facts that is gathered using the 5 senses( which are our instruments) and through experiments. According to spiritual teachers, there are various types of knowledge based on the instruments that are used & the field of study and thus knowledge can be divided into 2 categories – Objective( Outer )  & Subjective ( Inner ).

To illustrate this, let us take the case of the human body. There is information we have gathered about our/other human bodies using our five senses which is the objective ( or outer) knowledge we typically acquire. In spiritual teachings, we are told that there exist other types of knowledge that our senses cannot currently discern and we have the potential to discover this subjective ( or Inner ) knowledge. An example of this is the introduction of the human energy body through the system of Pranic Healing.

Through a series of experiments, students are trained to use their “Inner senses” to experience the existence of their energy body and chakras and thus acquire this Inner knowledge.

Another way to look at knowledge is with respect to an area/field of study. Physical knowledge focuses on one field of study available to us. In various ancient traditions, we are taught that the physical life we live is one part of our Human life and there are other vaster inner/subtler planes of existence that we still have to explore which affect our daily life and well-being. In the Indian tradition, these existences are known as lokas ( worlds ) and the bodies we use to relate to them as koshas. In the first few days of our study of Pranic Healing we are introduced to the field of study of subtler planes/lokas by learning how to measure & modify the condition of our koshas( subtle bodies) & chakras (energy centers ) to produce health, well being and prosperity in our life.

According to the ancient teachings, we are told that there are many forms of knowledge such as the science of mantras, rituals, energy, astrology etc. Amongst all of these branches of knowledge, Atma Vidya or the “knowledge of the Soul” is considered to be the highest form of knowledge. One of the major goals of this aspect of Jnana Yoga is to answer the core question of life – “Who Am I” and Why Am I here ?,  also referred to in the Greek Aphorism as “know thyself”. The path of self-knowledge requires true spiritual orientation, an attitude of service and a refined character. Arhatic Yoga, a set of advanced spiritual sadhanas taught by GMCKS is in fact designed to lead us to higher levels of self-knowledge while cultivating within us an attitude of service and a refined character. ( An Arhat / Arihant/ Paramhamsa is the term used in various spiritual traditions to refer to realized Souls )

The teachings Master Choa Kok Sui gave through Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga introduce us to self-knowledge as well as powerful methods of self-discovery & mastery that are suited for the modern day. For our readers who are Pranic Healers & Arhatic Yogis, we hope this will be a reminder to renew our striving on the path of self-knowledge & mastery. For our new readers, we extend an invitation to explore the Path of Knowledge & Self Mastery through the ancient science of Pranic Healing.

- Authored by Varkey Varghese 

Varkey Varghese

Varkey Varghese has been a Pranic Healing instructor, associate certified healer and an Arhatic Yoga practitioner for over a decade. He is an alumnus of IIM Bangalore and has an electronics engineering background. He works as a Product Crew leader at the Cisco-appdynamics leading a delivery of a global product platform. Varkey has been sharing his love and passion for healing, meditation and spiritual studies with fellow corporates, students and groups for over a decade now.

One Response

  1. Shaymaa mahrous says:

    Atma namaste
    I want to join study group

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