Achieve the Impossible is one among the series of 7 golden lotus sutras authored by Master Choa
Kok Sui (MCKS). Written in simple English, this booklet contains the essence of Master Choa Kok Sui’s
Teachings on the science of prosperity and spiritual business management. It is a collection of
teachings extracted from over 20 years of lectures given by the author.
The booklet is organized into 2 sections: the first section contains the teachings on success and prosperity and the second section contains the teachings on spiritual business management.
In the first section are teachings on how to make use of the Law of Karma and The Golden rules to become more successful and prosperous.
MCKS writes that money isconcretized energy and how by being generous, by investing wisely and by practicing moderation one can become prosperous. He shares his wisdom on how one can achieve greater success and manifest one’s goals by being one-pointed and by creating positive thoughts and emotions. He also shares his thoughts on how our efforts get magnified by having the right Feng Shui.
In the second section are teachings on business practices, financial management, time management,
decision-making and people management using spiritual and practical methods.
Included in this
section is a chapter on management by 7 rays. In this chapter MCKS shares the knowledge of the ancient wisdom of 7 rays applied to modern business management. MCKS speaks about the characteristics of people belonging to the 7 different rays and why it is important to balance these 7
rays in order to have a successful enterprise or business.
Achieve the Impossible is my favorite booklet among the 7 golden lotus sutras written by Master
Cho Kok Sui. I have found the teachings and wisdom in this booklet very simple and practical to use.
These teachings have helped me achieve greater success in my personal and professional lives.
When I face a challenging situation, I go back to this book and I always find a way to manage the
situation. What I would have considered impossible are now made possible through these pearls of