The Existence of God is Self Evident is a classic spiritual text by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Comprising of sutras which describe deep spiritual truths, this book is a must-read for any aspiring or advanced seeker of truth.
This book falls in the category of jnana yoga –or the yoga of knowledge. By reading this book over and over again, your spiritual connection to God becomes much deeper and the spiritual cord becomes much stronger. With this increase of light, you get a lot of guidance and strength.The veracity of this claim can be scanned by people who have a Pranic Healing background.
The law of karma, law of cycles and evolution, the qualities of the soul and much more, are explained in simple direct words straight from Master Choa Kok Sui.
This book has been a huge source of inspiration for me – just by holding it, the answers I need become clear. So, if you want to gain wisdom and move forward in your spiritual quest – the answer is evident – get the book!