Month: August 2022

Deep dive in to Ageless Wisdom

The Magic of The Seven Rays

The Sun! That glorious fiery orb in the sky, the giver of light, of warmth, of life itself! From the beginning of time, the sun has been an object of curiosity, of respect, of fear. It has also been the object of reverence and worship. In many traditions, the sun is considered the supreme Divinity.…
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The Etheric Double is the first of the series of books written by Arthur E. Powell and suggested by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui in the book “Miracles through Pranic Healing”. A valuable collection based on the study of 40 books of famous theosophists, like H.P. Blavatsky, A. Besant, K.W. Leadbeater, full of hidden treasures…
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Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the first spiritual books I read while I was still in my twenties. At that time, the stories that were described by this great Soul sounded mind-blowing and at sometimes even delirious. It is not easy for someone with no knowledge and / or faith to understand how…
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The author, Torkom sir is an expert and master in the field of spiritual science. He categorically explains in this book how serious is the menace of sexual glamour and illusion which our present generation is caught up with.He also gives many guide lines on how to break free them within ourselves as an individual…
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Achieving oneness with the Higher Soul 

Achieving oneness with the Higher Soul book is one of the most phenomenal, compact and complete book that answers many many questions about the identity and journey of the soul The book first explains who we are not, and leading to who we are and how we are connected to God. One of the biggest…
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In the pocket-size book “Experience Being”, a new perception on life is presented, that one of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a Spiritual Teacher, businessman and father of four. Compiled by the Institute of Inner Studies, it contains short and practical quotes from lectures and books of GMCKS on deep philosophical concerns, accompanied by affirmations,…
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A small book filled with gems! A book that doesn’t really need any reviews or appraisals because all it takes for a PH Student to love it, is to take a look at the index of the contents. All the major points of PH wisdom are in this book. MCKS is guiding us step by…
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The Existence of God is Self Evident is a classic spiritual text by Master Choa Kok Sui. Comprising of sutras which describe deep spiritual truths, this book is a must-read for any aspiring or advanced seeker of truth. This book falls in the category of jnana yoga –or the yoga of knowledge. By reading this…
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AUTHOR- GRAND MASTER CHOA KOK SUI REVIEWED BY – HARI SUDHA KUMAR Achieve the Impossible is one among the series of 7 golden lotus sutras authored by Master ChoaKok Sui (MCKS). Written in simple English, this booklet contains the essence of Master Choa Kok Sui’sTeachings on the science of prosperity and spiritual business management. It…
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The Path of Jnana Yoga through Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga, in the book “The Existence of God is Self-Evident” defines Jnana Yoga as the Yoga of Knowledge & Understanding. In this spiritual treatise, he introduces Jnana Yoga as being the easiest path for achieving Illumination/Union for those who are mentally developed. In…
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