The Etheric Double is the first of the series of books written by Arthur E. Powell and suggested by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui in the book “Miracles through Pranic Healing”.
A valuable collection based on the study of 40 books of famous theosophists, like H.P. Blavatsky, A. Besant, K.W. Leadbeater, full of hidden treasures for beginners or advanced students of esoteric sciences, healing arts and occultism.
The content, organized in 25 chapters, introduces the reader to major terms of the energy world, such as prana or life force, the aura and the chakras or force centers.
It explains the transfer, distribution and flow of energy within our energy body, the colored prana, the function of seven chakras, the atomic web of the chakra, the energy shields, the magnetization of objects, the kundalini energy, the differentiation between prana and kundalini energy.
Some of my favourite Chapters were Chapter 4 “The Spleen center” referring to the importance of the spleen chakra and the effect of the pink prana, Chapter 13 “The Kundalini energy” with advices and warnings, Chapter 17 “Healing” for healing sessions, and Chapter 22 “The Etheric Faculties”, with details like why do we like travelling, the form of fairies, the effects of pine trees.
A dense book with essential information for people that want to practice the art and science of pranic healing