The author, Torkom sir is an expert and master in the field of spiritual science. He categorically explains in this book how serious is the menace of sexual glamour and illusion which our present generation is caught up with.
He also gives many guide lines on how to break free them within ourselves as an individual and as a society in general. He also gives various reasons for this condition.
He gives in depth explanation regarding:
1. What Sex really is?
2. What are the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of sex and their differences?
3. What are sexual glamours and illusions?
4. What is sexual abuse and its effects?
5. What are the energy exchanges and karmic exchanges during Intercourse?
6. How people should choose their partners? And for what qualities should they look out for in
their partners?
7. What is spiritual parenting? And responsibilities of mother, father and grandparents towards
their children?
8. What do build a healthy and joyous family unit?
9. What are the characteristics of New Age Women?
10. How one can sublimate their sexual energies?
11. How to attract and conceive advanced spiritual being or artist or scientist as their child?
And many more…
I have never come across the answers to above question in any other book.
To explain about all the 11 points mentioned above briefly:
1. What sex really is? or what is the Philosophy of Sex as defined by Torkom Sir in the book?
Sex is the merger of two opposite polarities or poles of energies. This can be between two physical bodies, emotional bodies, mental bodies or even between spiritual bodies.
2. What are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of sex and their differences?
The exchange can be fluids or energy in physical/etheric bodies of two opposite polarities
that is masculine and feminine => physical/etheric sex.
The exchange can be appreciation, aspiration, love in emotional body of two opposite
polarities that is masculine and feminine => astral and emotional sex.
The exchange can be Ideas, thoughts, plans in mental body => mental sex. The exchange can be between the souls or solar angles between the couple and this happens
during intuitional sex. This is also called Spiritual Level Sex.
3. What are sexual glamour’s and illusions?
Glamour’s- identification to an object of desire.
Illusion- distorted image of reality.
Sex is sacred and natural phenomena that is physical/astral/mental/spiritual sex. But having
distorted understanding/opinion about it or identification with it creates sexual glamour’s
and illusions.
One needs to break these glamour’s and illusions for achieving Spiritual Initiations. Torkom Sir has given detailed explanation on how to do it.
4. What is sexual abuse and its effects?
Sex when used for a purpose is very helpful and gives an opportunity for a soul to come on to the earth plane. But if it is abused or used for a reason which are unnatural and selfish then
this is called sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse has its negative effects on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
People also use absurd and crocked ways of having sex which are very dangerous and detrimental towards ones spiritual and mental development. Torkom sir explains these in
5. What are the energy exchanges and karmic exchanges during intercourse?
There is an exchange of karma when people have physical sex. So one needs to be very careful and maintain a limit in the number of sexual partners and also one needs to choose their sexual partners very carefully and choose only those who’s karma is light/less.
6. How people should choose their partners and what qualities they should look out in their partners?
People think that having some money, and health is sufficient to get married but we know that the world is changing rapidly and there is scientific and technological development everywhere but sadly we humans as conscious beings are not expanding our consciousness
in the same rate. Hence, the misuse of our present technologies. Our wars, poverty, crime, unnatural weather patterns are just few examples which are easily visible. There are even
more dangerous problems which the humanity yet needs to see and take measures.
World problems can be easily solved if we teach youth how to choose right partners and what qualities need to be developed within themselves first to be the cause of that change.
Torkom Sir explains these things wonderfully.
7. What is spiritual parenting and responsibilities of mother, father and grandparents towards their
Father build physical and mental bodies, mother builds emotional and intuitional body.
Hence, both father and mother have great roles and responsibilities.
Parents need to be very careful while they relate with themselves before their children as their relationship between themselves reflects in the minds of their children towards their
8. How to build a healthy and joyful family unit?
Torkom sir learnt the importance of having a joyous family through his parents. Family and
parenting are very important for Torkom sir as he says that they build and prepare a child
towards spiritual striving and hence serves the humanity.
9. What are the characteristics of New Age Women?
Torkom sir in the entire book focuses on why women should take the lead as he is of the
opinion that women were not given proper chance and says that new age women or women with special talents can change the world for better. He explains how women should develop
their skills and take the lead.
10. How one can sublimate their sexual energies?
This is my most favourite concept in the entire book as this sublimation of sexual energy is
the core of spiritual development.
Sexual energy is very powerful and need to be directed in upward direction rather than using
it in downward direction through wasting it through purposeless actions.
Sublimation is purification as sir gives many examples and reasons to sublimate or purify our
11. How to attract and conceive advanced spiritual being or artist or scientist as a child
I never heard this concept in any book till date. Sir goes in depth and explains why the earth
is in such a pathetic condition.
He goes on to say that earth needs saviours in the field of politics, education, communication, arts, science, religion and finance. These children are only born to parents
who unite physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The birth of an advanced child depends on which level and degree the unification of partners
bodies or centres(etheric/chakras) takes place.
I have been searching in market for good books which explains about spiritual relevance of sex.
But, I have never seen such a book written by anyone regarding relevance of sexual energy on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lives.
I have read this book five years back and have been teaching this from the past two years and I see that my students and I have tremendously benefitted through this book. Reading this book is a must for every person who wants to get married and also for those who want to build their spiritual foundation strong because sexual energy is the base or foundation on top of which one can build ones professional, social, family or spiritual lives.
We are also offering the book along with our course.
Thank you very much for reading
- Authored by SAI NANDAN REDDY
Sai Nandan Reddy
Sai Nandan Reddy, founder of Initiatic School (, a first-of-its-kind centre for Spiritual Studies in India located at Hyderabad. He has been teaching Spiritual Science for the past five years and is specialised in teaching Torkom Saraydarian’s works. We even offer an online course on this subject.
Initiatic School imports books from TSG foundation and maintains friendly ties with TSG Foundation. You can also buy the book
directly from