Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul – The Spiritualizing of Life

A one day class in the heart of the city — how much can it impact your life ?
A few common questions for many of us – “ Who am I ? Why are we born ? What’s the
meaning of life ? What happens after ? “
The quest for answers are a part of all our lives..and we
Search for them in various places – books , classes , discourses with spiritual teachers etc..
Spiritual quest has always been a part of human beings’ life directly or indirectly ! We are all
searching for answers and solutions and trying to comprehend the reason for our
One of these quests as a teenager landed me in a class called Meditations for Soul
Realization ( now called the Acheiving oneness with the Higher Soul workshop ),
a 1 day class it was. The concepts were mind blowing yet simple enough for a teenager to
It was amazing to know there was a spiritual anatomy just like there is a physical anatomy.
The answers were many..some that had been asked and many for the questions that would
come later in life.
Deep inside was a strange feeling – “this is what I’ve been waiting for “ !
Lifetimes of questions were being answered..a strange peace pervaded the being. Probably
the first of such feelings..the feeling of being Home !
Fast forward to present has happened.. many mistakes and learnings later and
probably a tad bit wiser ; the memory of the class still remains distinct , like a beacon; the
lessons still relevant , ever guiding and evolving. The beauty of the teachings of Master Choa
has always been the same : we understand based on our development. As we grow , we
learn more and we understand more. And there doesn’t seem to be an end to this process.
The more you read other books , the more you learn other teachings , the more classes you
attend – the more you realise all of this has been part of the Master Choa’s teachings.
The meaning of the class’ title did not dawn on me until quite recently- the concepts and
techniques in the class and the book were so simple and yet profound. And they are meant
to lead to Arhatship ( Sainthood )!
Once you view it this way, it suddenly has a whole different level of perception. The
teachings are there, the techniques are there..if only we value and practice it – it would
transform us in ways we can hardly comprehend.
This one book is like a guide and the teachings inside are priceless!
For a long time I thought spirituality was sitting and meditating..listening to sermons and
doing your Sadhana. At the beginning of the Arhatic journey that was the general idea.
There was a clear separation from spirituality / spiritual practice and life itself. There was
peace , there was the satisfaction of meditating , the belief that we are evolving. But the
progress was pretty slow..very very slow. With more practice came more understanding
and the realisation that life itself is the spiritual path. Everything everyday is part of our
Journey. Spirituality was no longer about meditating and studying..spirituality is about
living your life in alignment with the virtues and in alignment with the as a soul.
This is what Arhatic yoga really is for..realising who we are truly are and living in that
realisation. Living as a Soul!
The teachings of Master Choa grow into you ; when we don’t practice , it’s just another
Teacher with some lessons to offer. The more you practice , the better you understand its
depth and implication and suddenly in a few years you’re a different person altogether.
Transforming for the better..slowly evolving into that one role we are all here for..becoming
instruments of the Divine.! Becoming Divine servants in our own respective fields !
-Authored by Prothviraj Premkumar
Prithviraj Premkumar
Prithviraj Premkumar is a doctor by Profession and has a passion for Pranic Healing. He is an avid reader and has been in the school of Pranic Healing since many years.